Acting course for everyday life

About a year ago I went to a two-day acting course in Glastonbury, organised by Tor Theatre and Somerset Skills & Learning. I am going to describe one of the exercises we did.

It was a small, short course, really just a taster, but we did many different activities and it made two days really good in grey January. It was a very diverse group of people, creating a supportive environment together with the trainer.

I like courses or workshops where people get together to learn something in a group. I like acting, especially challenging practice, where you don't have a text to tie you down, you just make up a character, a situation, and you play! You get to step outside of your own personality, while of course still being present.

So for one of the exercises the trainer gave each of us a number from 1 to 10, without showing it to anyone else. We were around 10 people I think. Then he explained that our numbers will represent status in society, 1 being the poorest, most disadvantaged, 5 being perhaps those who get by fairly well on average, and 10 being millionaires or royal. He invited us to think about what our number represented and to step into that character. The exercise was to mill around evenly in the space and to get accustomed with our character. Then, slowly he told us to interact with each other with a gesture, a nod specific to our character. It was interesting how we could quite easily play some of the roles, while the middle ground was a bit tricky to find, to express, the characters around 4-5-6. After that he invited us to say a few words of greeting as we pass each other, still in line with our character's status. Later we stopped moving and he told us to stand in a line starting from one end of the room to the other, according to status. Remember, nobody knew each other's numbers, only their own. Obviously whoever had 10 and 1 had an easy job and everyone else had to find to fill in the rest. If I remember well we actually got it right straight away, and that with there being two nines!
For me it was interesting because I think I was playing an 8 or a 9, which is quite high up there. And it's also interesting to give these “grades” to people and personalities. And mostly to self-confidence. The higher you are, the more secure, the more power you have. And the most interesting about it was that I can act being 8 or 9 and people can't really make the difference... I think the trainer might have mentioned that this practice is useful to remember when going to an interview or having to speak in public. To just think you have a high number in your pocket and act it!

I know acting is also used as a form of therapy. I am sure it can be helpful, I've experienced its power of broadening your perspective. Also, getting on a stage with any type of performance can be therapeutic and builds your self-confidence (as long as it is properly framed, in front of a mature audience).

Have you ever done any acting? Do you remember anything meaningful you learned from any games/exercises from interesting courses?

We run after buses.

  • We run after buses because we need to catch them.
  • We run after buses because they're the cheap environmentally friendly way of getting around.
  • We run after buses because we underestimate the time left and we always almost or actually miss them.
  • We run after buses even when we know we have another 10-20 minutes.
  • We run after buses even if they're not our buses, just to practice, and when jogging it is actually just to get better at running after buses.
  • We run after buses because it truly gives us purpose.
  • We run after buses even though it is quite dangerous...
  • We run after buses because getting on a bus out of breath after running full speed for the past few hundred meters is a sweet triumphant feeling! - Never run after buses or men. There will always be another one.

How about you?


A minap kertészkedtem egyet, egy aprócska részen, ahol érvényesülhetek és növelhetek amit kedvem telik. S hát épp azokat a magokat akartam elültetni, amiket még az erdőkerti zöldségesünkbe vettünk volt és amit onnan kaptunk ajándékba. S hát hajlongok, guggolgatok szép enyhe napsütéses délután, alaposan átdolgoztam a földet, mert tele volt gyommal és jó annak a gyökerét is kiszedni belőle.

Nagyon sok itt a fekete rigó, és állandóan énekelnek. Más kis madár is van, meg csókák, nagyon jópofák. Az egyik csókának van egy fehér tolla ami kiáll a szárnyából, mindig felismerem a szembelevő háztetőn. Télen láttam amint leugrottak a szomszéd kéményén s pár másodperccel később kint termettek, nem tudom hogy fértek el, hisz olyan pici volt az a lyuk.

Szóval énekelgetett körülöttem egy feketerigó, biztos látta a sok finom gilisztát meg bogarat amit felástam. Pár héttel ezelőtt H mutatott egy bogarat, amit jobb kivenni a földből és megölni, mert elrágja a zöldségek gyökerét, egy sárga százlábú-féle nyüvecske. Szorgalmasan kiszedegettem a kőre s megnyomtam.

Zenél a feketerigó s hopp leszáll közel s körbeugrálja a kis földecskét amit felástam, keresgél. Egy méterre se volt tőlem! Aztán leguggoltam ismét, hogy folytassam, s hát mellém ugrált s csendben felkapta s jóízűen elfogyasztotta a sárga bogarat, amit kinyírtam. Nagyon édeske volt, hipp-hopp, itt a finom kaja. S aztán megint énekelgetett s én válaszoltam, utánoztam. Később kihúzott egy gilisztát is.

Majd átjött ám a szomszéd fekete macskája, hozzám dörgölőzött. Túl sáros volt a kezem úgyhogy csak visszadoromboltam neki, majd odább ment sütkérezni a kövön. Akkor egy ideig elkerült a feketerigó.

Subtitles translated!

I have been volunteering at as a translator and today I had my first subtitles published!

I am posting here a link to the video for which I wrote subtitles in Romanian.
I hope you enjoy it!

Enric Sala: Un ocean neatins

"Imaginează-ţi că oceanul este contul nostru de economii - iar în prezent noi facem doar retrageri, nu depunem nimic. Enric Sala ne arată cum putem regenera contul nostru cu rezervaţii marine totale care aduc mari beneficii ecologice şi economice."

Mi a siker?

Szakmailag: jelen pillanatban számomra az siker, amikor képes vagyok fellépni és kiváló szolgáltatást nyújtani azoknak, akiknek szüksége van rá, az én esetemben ez tolmácsolás, tanítás vagy fordítás.Akkor vagyok leginkább megelégedve, amikor segíthetem a nyelv akadályának átlépését az én népem és... az én népem között (legyen az bármely két vagy több ember aki különböző nyelven beszél). Míg a munkám akkor igazán jutalmazó, amikor azt értékelik... az is annak jele, hogy jól van elvégezve, ha én beleolvadok a háttérbe és a kommunikáció csak folyik akadály nélkül, rajtam keresztül.

Anyagilag akkor érzem magam sikeresnek, mikor van elég jövedelmem, hogy kifizessem a szállást, a számlákat, az eledelt, a közlekedést, kis finomságokat és bármit amit ki akarok próbálni. Úgy érzem szerfelett jól keresek amikor megengedhetem magamnak, hogy kedves ajándékokat adjak azoknak, akiket ismerek. Úgy gondolom anyagilag gyarapszom, mikor ezek után minden hónapban marad pénz amit félretegyek és jótékonyságra fordítsak.

Mint ember akkor érzem beteljesültnek életem, amikor megnyílok és megosztom a tapasztalatokat, munkát, ételt és örömet másokkal. Valóban győzedelmesnek érzem magam amikor az emberek számíthatnak rám és én sem félek rájuk számítani szükség idején. Méltónak érzem magam amikor el tudom képzelni, hogy rám gondolnak mint a buzgalom és az együttérzés egyik példaképe. Úgy gondolom igazán ember vagyok amikor megértésről teszek tanúságot úgy mások, mint saját magam iránt. Békés és magabiztos vagyok amikor elcsendesülhetek. Diadalmasnak érzem magam amikor gyakorolhatom tehetségeimet (zenélés, írás, tánc). Hálás vagyok, hogy van időm finomakat főzni és ragyogó napsütésben biciklizni. Nagyon szerencsés vagyok, hogy van sok kedves, szerető barátom és a családom.

Számodra mit jelent a siker?*

* Ez a bejegyzés annak a megerősítése vagy igenlése amit értékelek és amit néha átélek. Ezek a gondolatok oly békésen teremtek, miután sokat olvastam és hallgattam beszélgetéseket az emberi fejlődésről. Meg kell jegyezzem, hogy a kérdés pontosabban Oprah új műsorában hangzott el, amit kimondottan ajánlok mint egy szórakoztató, könnyen megérthető összefoglalója csodás tanításoknak.

What is success?

Professionally: where I am today, success to me is being able to step up and deliver an excellent service to those who need it, in my case that being interpreting, tutoring or translating.
I am most accomplished when I can facilitate crossing the language gap between my people and... my people (be that any two or more people who speak different languages of the ones I know).
While my work is most rewarding when it is truly appreciated... it is also a sign of it being done well when I fade into the background, because communication is simply flowing, through me, flawlessly.

Financially, I feel prosperous when I have enough resources to pay for rent, bills, food, transport, treats and anything I want to try out. I feel like I'm truly thriving when I can afford giving heart-felt gifts to those I know. Also, I believe that I am being fruitful financially when after all those I have money left over every month to set some aside and give the rest to charity.

As a human being I feel fulfilled when I can open and connect to and share experiences, work, food and joy with others. I truly feel victorious when people can rely upon me and I don't fear relying on them in times of need. I feel worthy when I can imagine being put in the spotlight as an example of dedication and compassion. I believe I am truly human when I practice understanding both towards others and to myself. I am centered and grounded when I become still. I feel triumphant when I can practice my skills of making music, writing and dancing. I am grateful to have time for cooking tasty food and for cycling in shimmering sunny weather. I am most fortunate to have dear, caring friends and family.

What does success mean to you?*

* This entry is an affirmation of what I value, and what at times in my life I experience. These thoughts so soothingly surfaced after lots and lots of reading and listening to audios about human flourishing. I must note that the question was specifically raised at Oprah's new show, which I highly recommend as an entertaining, understandable summary of great teachings.

walk with a stranger

One Friday evening I was emptying the mailbox in the hallway of the post office when a young boy noticed me there alone, struggling with fitting a packet into my backpack. I was quite excited because I knew the parcel was probably M's birthday gift from his parents.

The boy asked me for 5 lei. My usual answer is a “Sorry, no”. But he insisted, that he needed money to buy bread. I honestly don't know why, but in a bit of a nutty way I asked “Do you really need it for bread?”, and he maintained that yes, he needed it for food. So I said if that is so, I will give him 5 lei, from my heart, and that I hope it helps him. He seemed very pressed, looking around anxiously, while I took out the money from my purse and handed it to him.

After I put the purse away... he started asking for another 5 lei. And at this point he was really urging me to hurry up and give him another 5 lei. I kindly reminded him that it would be nice if he thanked me for the note I'd just given him. “Thanks! But give me 5 more, now!”. Well that's not a nice way to behave! I was in a kind of motherly state a bit, like I would've wanted to teach him some manners.

Then he started threatening me, while looking around worried, hurrying me to deliver what he demands. “Or else I'll call my father and you'll be sorry”. Really? You're going to call daddy? Of course in the moment, facing him alone I didn't say those things. I was slightly intimidated, but not genuinely scared because it was so distant... as if his father could be bothered, really, and what would he do?

At this point we left the post office and started walking down the main street. It was dark and I had already said goodbye to him several times, but it turned out he was going in the same direction. So he walked at a certain distance from me, continuing to ask for money. I continued to tell him I had already given him 5 and it should be enough for bread and such, and that I sincerely wish him all the best.

Later he threatened me further, saying that if I don't give him 5, he'll take all my money. I took that in, I felt it didn't bother me too much, so I answered I needed that money just as much as him, for bread and food. I was in fact headed for the market, to buy food. And he didn't do anything, just kept repeating the same threats and demands and I kept repeating the same facts.

My adrenaline was quite high I must say. But also I felt very centred, I didn't actually feel fear very much because he seemed more scared than me when people would walk by. It was a very good experience. Not to react to threats. Especially not to try to scare him or anything, just calmly letting him be there if that's what he wants. It might've confused him a bit, like he didn't know what to do next.

After a while I asked him about his age, where he was from, he asked me also. I don't know how honest he was in his answers, but it doesn't really matter. It took his focus from begging to just... walking and talking. Sometimes he'd ask for money again, at least 2 lei then, and I'd reassure him of my best wishes. One time he asked for a kiss. I told him I had a boyfriend and that he can have a kiss from his mother or sisters. He quickly said he had a girlfriend anyway.

I asked him why was he asking so much from me? What does he give? Anyway, guess what was in his bag? A loaf of bread. That he had asked the money for. Haha. I didn't mind.

I saw him as a person I happen to be talking to, because he's walking the same way. I wanted him to feel that and that I wish him all the best in his life, good luck, compassion and such. I don't know what effect it had on him and how much he believed me.

This experience felt like we broke some barriers, or, if not, we had a glimpse of what is beyond the roles we play. To him, I was a source of income. To me, he was a beggar and a threat. Walking down the street, we were forced to step out of our initial roles, and we became merely two strangers, who got to connect by chance, not very deeply, but it was enough to kick us a bit out of balance.

And then we walked on into our lives.

Nem csak zene van az mp3 lejátszómon!

Nemrég felfedeztem mennyi mindenre lehet felhasználni az mp3 lejátszót. Míg annak idején sok zenét hallgattam rajta – ami nagyon jól esett, ne tévesszen meg senkit -, most felfedeztem, hogy regényeket, beszédeket és komédiát is lehet hallgatni rajta.

Megosztom miket hallgattam mostanában.

Számos honlapról lehet ingyen letölteni hangoskönyveket (főként olyan művek, amelyeknél lejárt az 50 év szerzői jog). Régen nem gondoltam, hogy oda tudnék figyelni és regényt hallgatni (nem olvasni, nem látni a szavakat), de tényleg jól esik mosogatás, gyalogolás vagy pihenés közben hallgatni egy történetet.
A honlapok, amelyeket felfedeztem a (több nyelvű könyvek, önkéntes alapon felolvasva), (ha jól emlékszem csak francia) és a magyar elektronikus könyvtár:
Több francia regényt meghallgattam, mert szeretem hallani a nyelvet, meg rájöttem hogy kifejezetten hiányzott a francia nyelvtanulásomból az irodalom. Kevés francia nyelvű regényt olvastam, egy kezemen megszámolhatnám, valamint képregényeket (Asterix eredetiben nagyon jó móka), tankönyveket, újságokat, stb. Legutóbb A három testőrt hallgattam meg, (Alexandre Dumas) innen:

A másik fajta anyagok, amiket hallgatok mondhatni hetente, azok beszédek, amelyek általában telefonon és interneten keresztül vevődnek fel – interjúk, bizonyos témák boncolgatása. Nagyon érdekes dolgokról lehet hallani, az emberi fejlődés elén levő egyénektől – s nem csak az csodálatos, amiről beszélgetnek, hanem nyíltságuk, tehetségük amint egymással találkoznak. Ezek főként az Egyesült Államokból vannak (tehát angolul), ezekről a honlapokról szoktam töltögetni:

A harmadik dolog pedig teljes kikapcsolódás – alaposan megdolgozza a nevető izmokat – viszont ugyanakkor segít követni mi történik a nagyvilágban. Ez egy a Times honlapján hetente megjelenő „audió újság egy vizuális világnak”, neve: The Bugle. Vagyis egy „podcast”, egy adás felvétele, amit a hallgatók bármikor letölthetnek és meghallgatnatnak, nem a rádióban, hanem saját mp3 lejátszójukon, i-pod-jukon, számítógépükön. Fél óra komédia, angolul, picit nehéz megérteni, néha a humor fajtája miatt is, de amikor megérted, akkor nagyon intelligens módon, nevetve könyvelik el a hét híreit, néha pedig nagyon hülye vicceket tudnak kitalálni, olyankor már-már fájdalmas. A legújabb részben felolvasták az e-mailt amit küldtünk nekik (Nagyon jól esett!!). Innen lehet letölteni műsorokat:

Szegény hallgatósdi kütyüm hamarosan betölti a három évet (az mp3 lejátszóm), ami nagyonis ősinek számít. Ráadásul hiányzik a fő gombja (ki kellett operálni, mert beragadt), tehát valami hegyessel kell bekapcsoljam. A fülhallgatónak is fele elromlott és levágtam (fél füllel hallgatom). Nincs szívem újat venni, hisz jól szolgál még mindig szegény, mit csinálnék vele.

Te mit csinálsz mosogatás, gyalogolás vagy pihenés közben?

It's not all just music on my mp3-player!

Not long ago I discovered in how many ways you can use the mp3-player. While before I would listen to a lot of music on it – which was really good, don't misunderstand –, now I discovered that you can play novels, talks and comedy on it as well!

Let me share what I've been listening to nowadays.

You can download audiobooks from several websites (mainly works that have passed the 50 year copyright period). Before I wouldn't have thought that I could pay attention and listen to a novel (as opposed to reading one, seeing the words), but it's really nice to hear a story while washing up, walking or resting.
The websites I've discovered are (audiobooks in several languages, read by volunteers), (I think only in French) and the online Hungarian library:
I've listened to several French novels, because I like to hear the language, and I realised I really missed literature when I was learning of French. I read few novels in French, could count them on one hand, and comics (Asterix in original is real good fun), textbooks, newspapers, etc. The last audiobook I listened to was The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, it's here:

The other types of materials I listen to almost weekly are talks, which are recorded over the phone and internet – interviews, different people exploring diverse topics. You can hear very interesting things, from people at the leading edge of human evolution – and it's not just the things they talk about that are amazing, but their openness, and their talent in engaging fully with each other. These are recorded mainly in the United States (therefore in English), I download them from these websites:

The third thing is complete fun – it definitely works the laughing muscles - but it also helps you keep up with things going on in the world. It is “an audio newspaper for a visual world” that appears weekly on the Times website, its name: The Bugle. It's a “podcast”, a recorded show that listeners can download and listen to any time, not on the radio, but on their own mp3-player ,i-pod or computer. Half hour comedy, in English, a bit difficult to understand (for non English natives), sometimes even because of the type of humour, but when you do understand, they present the week's news in a very intelligent way, laughing along, and sometimes they can come up with very silly jokes, puns, it's almost painful. In the last episode they read out our e-mail that we sent them (It was awesome!!). You can download episodes from:
(may contain some strong language)

My poor listening thingy will soon turn three (my mp3-player), which counts as quite ancient. Plus its main button is missing (it needed to be taken out because it got stuck), so I need to turn it on with something pointy. One of the earphones broke as well so I just cut it off (now I listen to it with one ear). I can't bring myself to buy a new one, because it serves me so well poor thing, what would happen to it.

What do you do while washing up, walking or resting?